Let us Analyze Your Solar True-Up

Recently received a higher-than-expected solar

true-up bill? Request an analysis by our

team of professional monitors.

*Pricing and availability may vary. Offer expires 5/31/24.

What our monitoring experts look for

We use our exclusive Know True-Up® software to determine whether your high balance is caused by an issue with your solar system or an increase in energy consumption.

Net push/pull trends

We take a look at the energy you send to the grid and use from the grid to look for patterns.

Cause of the issue

If production has decreased we look at a number of factors including equipment, shade and dirty panels.

Needed repairs or fixes

Our monitoring experts work with our local technicians to repair or fix issues causing the high true-up.

Why Is my solar true-up bill so high?

Minimizing Overconsumption of Energy

Solar professionals build solar systems to offset energy usage by over 100% because most solar customers increase their energy consumption after they go solar. However, large increases in energy usage due to purchasing an electric vehicle, or large home appliances that have greater energy demand can result in larger-than-expected annual true-ups.

Solar Performance is Key
Solar system performance issues can happen for a number of reasons: dirty panels, cloudy weather, or more serious issues such as faulty or failed equipment that will require a solar technician to perform repairs on the system.
Do You Have Enough Solar Panels?
Fortunately, Solar Negotiators has special policies in place for our design team to review all the solar proposals our clients receive. However, not all solar companies are created equal—we’ve helped solar customers determine if their estimated solar production was sufficient to offset their annual usage.
Panels Need Adequate Sun Exposure
Another frustrating issue for solar customers that we come across is issues with shading of solar panels due to: trees, chimneys, vents, or other nearby structures. This can happen either at the time of installation due to poor planning or over the course of several years after an existing tree has grown too large. Tree trimming services are a great, affordable solution and usually can be arranged through your solar contractor.
shaded solar panels leading to high true-up
Not Using Energy at Peak Rates
Using energy during off-peak times can help save money because electricity rates are typically lower when demand is lower. This is typically during the day (when most people are at work) and your system is producing power. By shifting energy-intensive tasks like running appliances or charging electric vehicles to off-peak hours, you can take advantage of these lower rates and reduce your overall energy costs. You can find which time-of-use (TOU) rate plan either on your utility statements or online.

How to read a solar true-up bill

Ways to minimize your annual solar true-up

Home efficiency upgrades

Opt for a more affordable solution by requesting a free Energy Audit by our trusted partner Balanced Comfort® and run your home can run more efficiently.

Keep Panels Clean

Keeping your solar panels free of debris can make a big difference for your solar production. Schedule a cleaning today to boost power and savings.

Minimize System Downtime

With Know True-Up® monitoring services, we catch and alert you to major performance issues quickly to get your system back on track in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, and no—it depends on which solar net-energy-metering policy you are on. With NEM-2, all solar customers are put on an annual True-Up billing cycle. They pay once at the end of the year, but still receive monthly statements from their utility provider (shown above) to show their net energy consumption balance for the year. You will be required to pay the minimum monthly charges to your utility provider each month, these include service charges and gas charges. This gives solar customers a good idea of what to expect at the end of their 12-month billing cycle.

 California’s new policy (NEM-3), applies to customers who signed a solar contract after April 14th of 2023. These customers are required to pay any net debits at the end of each month, whereas net credits roll over to the next month. Solar customers under NEM-3 may accrue net credits in certain months of the year (for example September), and have larger debits throughout most of the year.

Generally, it is a good idea to either check your monthly NEM billing statements that come in the mail or online at least every few months. Alternatively, you can log in to your Know True-Up® account if you are a Solar Negotiators client to see how your annual true-up balance is trending. Catching a large balance early on and correcting any production issues or consumption habits can significantly reduce the chances of receiving an unexpectedly large true-up bill at the end of your 12-month cycle.

Most solar customers have solar panels installed on their roof hoping to minimize or even completely eliminate their need to pay for energy. Although it is frustrating and confusing to receive a high annual statement from your utility company after going solar, it is very common. These issues arise from either the installing contractor or the solar customer not catching performance issues, which may impact the amount of annual production the system is expected to perform.

Solar maintenance is required to maintain efficiency of the system and performance issues will happen after the solar installation process is completed. Many companies offer limited solar labor warranties, but fail to deliver when issues arise.

On the other hand, solar customers may have increased their energy consumption after going solar. Their solar system was designed to offset the amount of annual energy consumption they used prior to going solar, so if they change their usage habits, this can often lead to higher annual bills.

Lastly, solar customers are still subject to utilities increasing the price per watt that they charge for pulling energy from the grid. Even though your energy consumption may not have changed and the solar may be producing what it was expected to, you may still see your true-up amount rise on an annual basis.

Know True-Up® is a proprietary software that was developed by the owners of Solar Negotiators. It was designed to help minimize the chance of a solar customer ending up with a high, unexpected bill at the end of their 12-month solar billing cycle. With Know True-Up® monitoring services, you will receive a weekly or monthly energy report emailed to you. This is done by looking at both energy consumption and solar inverter production together to determine the possible causes of high true-up balances and trends related to poor consumption habits. The software is built to flag solar customer accounts that are trending for a higher-than-expected true-up balance before year’s end to address issues early on and get our customers back on the right track to energy savings.

Get a True-Up Analysis for $50*

Recently received a higher-than-expected solar true-up bill? Request a bill analysis by our team of professional monitors, 50% off for a limited time.*